Helpful divorce blogs. There is a misconception that lawyers only help families navigate divorce from a legal aspect. This includes getting the proper paperwork pulled together, arranging mediation and court appearances, documenting evidence, helping set terms for child custody and child support, etc. But as we all know with divorce, there are real people involved in these cases, and the overwhelming majority need an advocate who offers compassionate support beyond courtrooms and paperwork.
Nelson Law Group, PC is that advocate you want and need, whether you are looking for divorce advice, emotional support, or even the legal to-dos that must get done to achieve the best possible outcome for you and your family.
We know the law, but more importantly, we are invested in you and your family – before, during, and after divorce.
With that sentiment in mind, we compiled 12 of our most helpful divorce blogs from 2020 so that you are prepared for the road ahead. As you will see, these go beyond the traditional legal advice.
Is now the right time to get a divorce?
Divorce is a painful, disruptive, and life-altering event. One minute, it’s absolutely the right decision, and the next, it’s not. So how do you know if now is the right time to get a divorce? Perhaps these questions will help you decide.
4 reasons to be thankful for your divorce
Even the most optimistic person will tell you it is difficult to be thankful for everything. For example, divorce. How could you be thankful for your divorce? In this blog post, we’ve set out to give you four reasons to be thankful for your divorce.
Getting divorced? Don’t make these 3 technology mistakes
Because we live in such a connected world, it’s easy to get too comfortable with the access we have. Our reliance on it can cause us to make unintended technology mistakes that seem harmless but can be used against us during a divorce.
Need to hire a divorce lawyer? Ask yourself these questions
The good news about divorce lawyers is that you have options for quality representation. But how do you decide who is the right lawyer for you? Click on the link above to find out.
How do I deal with the stress of my divorce?
The point of this blog post is to share practical tips and stress-relieving techniques, especially if you’re at your wit’s end and wondering, “how do I deal with the stress of my divorce?”
Should I reconcile with my ex?
Reconciling with your spouse is possible, even if you’ve signed the divorce papers. But before you give your marriage another try, make sure you’re both on the same page.
Your spouse wants a divorce. Here are 8 things you should do first
Telling yourself to take it one step at a time is easier said than done and also pretty vague. If your spouse wants a divorce, and you are not sure where to start, here are 8 things you should do first.
8 ways to mend your broken heart after a devastating divorce
You feel blindsided, betrayed, angry, and alone after your divorce. The good news is that while your heart may feel like it’s been ripped to shreds after a devastating divorce, it’s possible to mend it with a little time and patience.
7 ways to make and save money after a divorce
Going through a divorce is difficult enough without also having to worry about money. If you are struggling to figure out which end is up financially, here are 7 ways to make and save money after a divorce.
How and when do I tell people we are getting a divorce?
This is a hard question to answer since everyone’s situation is different. This blog makes the best attempt at providing a few suggestions to get you started, including starting with the people you know and trust.
How do I tell our children that we are getting divorced?
The best way to mitigate these effects is to be sensitive to their needs — whether they’ve verbalized them or not — and talk to them. That conversation is probably still the toughest talk you’ll ever have with them. But it must happen.
How do I tell my spouse that I want a divorce?
Many times, only one spouse wants the divorce and must now break the news to their significant other. There are ways to have the divorce conversation without making the situation worse on either of you.
Call Nelson Law Group today!!
A divorce is a significant, life-changing event, and the effects of this difficult time will undoubtedly be felt for a while. But if you can see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel for you and your family, perhaps this is the right time to push forward with a new life.
Give our knowledgeable staff here at Nelson Law Group, PC, a call if you have any further questions regarding this or any other issue. Our staff is always available. Give us a call today!
For more information about Brett A. Nelson, click here.
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Source: Nelson Law Group