Are Parental Rights Absolute?
Are Parental Rights Absolute?

Are Parental Rights Absolute?

Are Parental Rights AbsoluteNelson Law Roundup: Are Parental Rights Absolute? – The quick answer to the question of whether or not parental rights are absolute is an emphatic “no.” Just because you are the legal parent does not mean your parental rights trump a child’s rights or should be preserved in any way if the court needs to make a fair and just ruling on the welfare of a minor.

In fact, Texas courts go to great lengths to ensure the emotional and physical interests of a child are met at all times – including severing the parent-child relationship in extreme cases.

We are proud to say our Nelson Law Group, PC library of blog posts on this topic and more is not only as comprehensive as it gets but also breaks all the conversations down into bite-sized pieces everyone can understand.

Below is a roundup of 8 of our more noteworthy blog posts when it comes to:

  • Parent-Child relationship
  • Parentage suits
  • Parental rights
  • Termination suits
  • Possession and Access
  • And more …

The Parent-Child Relationship – A Digestible Overview

How the state of Texas determines who is a legal part of the parent-child relationship carries great legal significance since the relationship can create parental rights and duties, support obligations, inheritance rights, and rights of possession and access. This blog focuses on the ways the parent-child relationship can be established.

Termination Suits

Looking out for a child’s interest can also mean completely severing the parent-child relationship. In this blog, we will attempt to discuss these termination suits in a digestible conversation.

Terminating The Parent-Child Relationship – Inability To Care For A Child

Many times, the parent(s) isn’t intentionally endangering their child but readily admits they are unable to care for the child because of their own physical or mental problems. That is the focus of this blog post.

Termination Suits (Part II)

A continuation of another blog, this post delves into the court’s discretion to allow a biological parent to have limited contact with their child after their rights have been terminated. This typically can happen when the parent has voluntarily relinquished their rights, and there is no danger of the child being placed in a dangerous situation.

Possession And Access – Are They The Same Thing?

While these terms appear to be the same, they are actually quite different. This blog goes into the very specific differences between the two and how that could affect when and how you may interact with your child.

Proving ‘Actual’ Care, Control, and Possession

What do courts mean when they say someone has “actual” care, control, and possession of a child? People who qualify under this category can be the birth parent, foster parent, guardian, grandmother, or a stepfather.

Suit For Grandparent Possession Or Access

A grandparent is part of a child’s family, but that doesn’t mean their rights to a child are cut and dried. In fact, they are treated just like any adult looking to gain conservatorship. Grandparents must satisfy several requirements to obtain possession or access to a child.

Visitation (“Possession”) With Children Under The Age of Three in Texas

Texas law represents a belief that children under the age of three have categorically different needs. This blog post delves into that in more detail.

Call Nelson Law Group today!!

It is imperative to have an experienced lawyer in your corner for anything family law related – especially when the conversation involves children. Give our knowledgeable staff here at Nelson Law Group, PC a call if you have any further questions regarding this – or any other – issue.

Give us a call today! For more information about Brett A Nelson click here.

The post Are Parental Rights Absolute? appeared first on Family Law, Divorce, Personal Injury in Texas | Nelson Law Group, P.C. |.

Source: Nelson Law Group