Being the victim of an automobile accident can be a traumatic and frustrating experience. But watching the person who caused the accident flee the scene without checking on you, working with the police, and providing any information about themselves can leave you feeling frustrated, angry, and completely helpless.
Hit-and-run accidents do not occur often, but it is important to know what to do when the unthinkable happens. In this blog post, let’s discuss a few simple things you can do if you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident.
1. Calm down and gather relevant information
If you have ever been involved in a car accident, you will understand how easy losing your composure and panic is. This is especially the case with a hit-and-run accident. While it is completely normal to react in this way, it will not help you later. If your injuries are not severe and you are still conscious, gather your thoughts, take a deep breath, and proceed to assess the injuries you have suffered. Next, remember as much information as you can from the accident (the make, model, and color of the car that hit you, the license plate, etc.). This information can be invaluable to the authorities. Record all of this information on a piece of paper or memorize it.
2. Take pictures of the accident.
Pictures of the damage to your vehicle, injuries, and anything else that could help you and the police provide proof of what happened go a long way in giving you some control over a hit-and-run accident.
3. Contact the Police
Keeping in mind all the information you gathered, call the police and tell them the location of the accident. If you cannot physically call, have someone on the scene do it for you. After that, explain all that you remember from the accident over the phone until the authorities arrive. Give them as many details as possible so that a comprehensive report can be created. Remember to obtain a copy of the report afterward.
4. Stay at the Scene
Many victims of a hit-and-run accident might feel compelled to leave the accident scene, perhaps even to track down the fleeing driver. Not only is this a bad idea that can put you in a compromising position, but the police will not take too kindly to it. Stay at the scene, ask any witnesses if they would be willing to give their account of what happened, and answer any questions that you are asked to the best of your ability.
5. Get Medical Treatment
It does not matter whether your injuries are minor or severe. Getting yourself checked by medical experts after an accident is a priority. Remember that some injuries do not tend to surface until a few days or even weeks later.
6. Contact Your Insurance Carrier
Once you have spoken to the police and have addressed any potential injuries, contact your insurance carrier and file a claim. It is important to call your insurance company as quickly as possible after the accident (the same day if you can) while everything is still fresh on your mind.
Call Nelson Law Group today!!
Nelson Law Group, PC brings over two decades of experience to each personal injury case we handle. We have extensive bench and jury trial experience in personal injuries arising from a variety of causes that result in a wide array of injuries. Also. we will devise a comprehensive strategy based on our years of experience, intuitive legal skill, and the desired outcome of your case. We will be available to answer your questions or respond to your concerns as they come up.
If you have been injured in an accident and feel someone else is a fault, contact us today to talk about your personal situation and gain the information you need to know to make good decisions moving forward. Give our knowledgeable staff here at Nelson Law Group, PC, a call if you have any further questions regarding this or any other issue. Our staff is always available. Give us a call today! For more information about Brett A. Nelson, click here.
The post 6 Things To Do If You Are the Victim of a Hit-and-Run Accident appeared first on Family Law, Divorce, Personal Injury in Texas.
Source: Nelson Law Group